Sophia Isabella
Adopted Domestically at Birth

Sophia at 11 years old (2022)
Our precious Sophia entered our lives through adoption. We only knew of her twenty days before her birth and I must say that it was not an easy decision for us to make. Adopting a baby domes
tically through a kinship adoption was unfamiliar territory for us, but it was our children (many of which were teens and young adults) who opened our eyes to realizing that even though she was not born into the best of circumstances that sh
e was already part of our family. Adopting Sophia is a decision that we have never regretted and we love her dearly. She has been a blessing in our lives!
Sophia had a rough start and was allergic to milk based formula. Even after we changed her to soy formula, she was fussy and didn’t sleep well at night. It didn’t take long to realize she was a tough little cookie with a strong will. As she grew over her first two years, she began to soften and is now a complete joy. Gabriella and Sophia are very close to each other and they play well together. Sophia loves animals and has a special place in her heart for puppies and cats. This has been very surprising to us being that most of our other kids have been more drawn to large animals.
Sophia is an active little girl with a hint of mischief at times. She loves all things purple, anything artsy, and is very creative. This has led her to finding herself in a little trouble occasionally! She has painted and colored all sorts of thing in our house and has even painted herself a few times! When she was a toddler, she would always paint or color her lips and we joked that it was the "signature" of her artwork. Sophia is very talented and has been going to work with her Daddy for a few hours each week to help him and watch as he designs and creates jewelry. This is her favorite time of the week.
As Sophia has grown over the years, her love for horses and cattle has grown too. She was gifted a very special horse named Skye. He became her world and she
gained so much confidence on a horse. They made quite a pair! About year after she received Skye, he got colic and was at the vet for several days. Then suddenly, on the same day we hoped to bring him home from the vet, he took a turn for the worst and had to be put down. It was so difficult for everyone, but especially for Sophia who lost her best friend that day. Since then Sophia has tried a couple of other horses, Goldie and Diesel, and she has seemed to form that same special bond with Diesel. We are excited to watch the two of them grow as they continue to compete in barrel racing, poles, and ranch rodeo. 
Sophia loves to give hugs and kisses and has a contagious smile. She has a beautiful heart and has such compassion for life initiatives such as our local pregnancy care center. For almost two years we have picked up prayer bears, which are knitted bears for each of the babies whose mother's choose life. The bears serve as a reminder for us to pray for the mothers an
d their unborn babies. When the time comes for the baby to be born, we return the bears to New Beginnings and they are given to the babies when they are born. Sophia has asked so many questions about this project and prays for moms and babies daily. Recently, when we took a bear back and picked another bear up Sophia said, "I am going to make something very special for this baby's bear." That evening, she knitted a special scarf to tie around the bear's neck. Since that day, she has started knitting scarves for all the bears that pass through our home. It's this love for others that shows what a very special little Sophia truly is. We love her so much!!
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
----- Proverbs 16:9